Saturday, June 29 | 5:15 PM | 94 minutes
Circuit (08:41, CH)
On a small planet, caught up in their own little private universe, the inhabitants perform their poetically surreal actions, which repeat themselves in an endless loop.
Directed by Delia Hess (website)
Closed Circuit (05:58, USA) Michigan Premiere
A robot cares for a ship full of sleeping passengers on an interstellar voyage, and one day she discovers she is not alone.
Directed by Lauren Morrison (website), @lauren3dart
SELFIES (3:40, CH)
SELFIES is a fireworks display of grinning people who lose themselves in the abysses of human existence. A selfie race around the world. A view on people’s every-day obsession with portraying themselves.
Directed by Claudius Gentinetta (website)
#BeautySickness (06:00, USA) Michigan Premiere
When Allison, a lecturer on beauty sickness discovers that she suffers from what she believes in, she faces an identity crisis that leads to unexpected revelations.
Directed by Jung-Ah Kim (facebook)
SDtoHDuprezMaxV2_009.mp4 (04:10, USA)
Booted from the limelight, Max Headroom roves the analog tv signal on a search for meaning.
Directed by Anna Spence (website), @terminus.dmg
Hunting Trophy (03:25, BE) Michigan Premiere
When the hunting season is open, the strongest one wins.
Directed by Murat Onder, @muratodr
Get Up, Pierrot (06:51, USA) Michigan Premiere
Pierrot is an existential pastry made by folding layers of identity upon itself with equal parts tears and smiles.
Directed by Gurleen Rai, F. Anthony Shepherd (website), @getuppierrot @zimteemo @f.anthony_shepherd
Pete the Peacock (02:52, CA)
Pete is a party loving peacock who parties hard as a way of escaping deep feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. The film follows Pete as he learns a lesson about self-respect, and how to love himself.
Directed by Amanda Low (website)
It’s wet ! (07:18, FR) Michigan Premiere
A young woman enjoys, in ignorance of the world around her, until she reaches the limit of her own self-esteem.
Directed by Alexis Godard, Nan Huang (website)
Las del diente (05:28, ES)
Three women discuss the social pressure of having kids while celebrating the uniqueness of their bodies.
Directed by Ana Perez Lopez (website), @_theapl
Quantum (06:04, USA) Michigan Premiere
The digital realm promises an ephemeral permanence; Ayleth finds herself in a state of limbo.
Directed by Hannah S. Kim (vimeo)
Reneepoptosis (09:55, USA) Michigan Premiere
Three Renees go on a quest to find God, who is also Renee. As they traverse the mountains and valleys of Renee, they discover all the great joys, sadnesses, and mysteries of being Renee.
Directed by Renee Zhan (website), @ummmrenee
Egg (12:07, FR)
A woman is locked in her home with an egg, which she is both attracted to and scared of. She eats the egg, she repents. She kills it. She lets the egg die of hunger. Egg is a poetic short film based on a small yet significant moment of director’s own life. It portraits a moment of shame, defeat and yet of victory.
Directed by Martina Scarpelli
Untravel (09:25, SRB) Michigan Premiere
Local patriotism, tourism, emigration.
Directed by Ana Nedeljkovic (website)