Vidlings & Tapeheads Art Show 2012
Yesterday’s weirdness is tomorrow’s reason why.
–Hunter S. Thompson
Saturday, April 14th 2012
Rafa’s Lounge Art Gallery
1836 West Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026
Video edited by Jerry White Jr., Michael Newman. Footage shot by Michael Newman, Jeremy Royce, Will Jobe. MX-12 installation and footage by Calder Greenwood. Music by Jerry White Jr.
VTFF2022 Sponsors
VENUE SPONSOR Ant Hall & Ghost Light PRIZE SPONSORS Final Draft, Toon Boom, Videomaker FOOD SPONSOR Amicci’s Pizza ADDITIONAL SPONSOR Film Freeway
VTFF2022 Open for Submissions

Crew 2022
Vidlings & Tapeheads Film Festival 2021 Wrap-Up
Year Four of our fest took two years to come to life—basically VTFF2020 & VTFF2021 rolled into one. The pandemic was particularly difficult for live events, which were either postponed, canceled outright, or moved online.
Ah yes, the virtual film festival. I tried attending a couple online fests, but after working from home and being on lockdown, the last thing I wanted to do was to stare even more at my computer while sitting inside. I totally understand that some fests had to do this and I hope the folks who attended enjoyed them, but I just couldn’t get into it. That’s one of the things the pandemic solidified for me: the magic and importance of in-person events. I think we all realized what we were missing and I hope this leads to a rejuvenated interest in all kinds of live gatherings and concerts and, yes, festivals.
I’m thankful to the filmmakers who stuck with us and were patient once the 2020 fest was postponed. And of course I’m eternally grateful to our home venue, Ant Hall & Ghost Light, who like so many venues worldwide took on some of the worst effects on businesses during the covid-19 era. VTFF2021 was a scrappier affair with fewer sponsors than in previous years, but thanks to our programmers, coordinators, returning sponsors, friends and family—the show went on and it was solid.
—Jerry White Jr. | Festival Director
VTFF2021 Award Winners
VTFF2021 featured a slate of thirty-eight short films from around the world—thirty-one of which were Michigan Premieres! We’re so thankful to have had the opportunity to share all of these films with our audience and are excited to see our alumni’s future projects. Many thanks to our programmers and jury for their curation and dedication to promoting unconventional storytelling. Filmmaker prizes this year have been prodigiously provided by Final Draft and FXHome.
And now—the WINNERS…
VTFF2021 Picture Parade
VTFF2021 Schedule

OCTOBER 22 & 23, 2021 (with VIP Filmmaker events on 10/24)
Ant Hall & Ghost Light, 2320 Caniff Avenue, Hamtramck, MI
VTFF2021 Trailer
Vidlings Chorus 2021
Created by Jerry White Jr.
VTFF2021 Trailer
Edited by Jerry White Jr.
Assistant Edited by Andy Menko
Composed by Jerrry White Jr.
VTFF2021 Logo & Monos Art
Drawn by Jerry White Jr.