VTFF2019 Mothbird

Hey look, it’s 2019—a NEW YEAR with NEW OPPORTUNITIES to hold space with unconventional, underrepresented, and unbelievably-awesome short films, live music, and art! In other words: let’s get YEAR THREE of the Vidlings & Tapeheads Film Festival underway!
[fanfare emoji, woo]

Film submissions are now OPEN! For information on the kinds of shorts we’re looking for, as well as rules and deadlines, CLICK HERE.

In the coming months, we’ll be locking sponsors, booking bands and artists, and curating the film program to make 2019’s fest exceptional and extraordinary, positively prodigious and fantastically fun—and intrinsically incredibly interesting. If you’re a filmmaker anywhere in the world, or a musician/artist in Michigan, please reach out to us to learn how you can be a part of the fest. We’re also looking for Michigan-based volunteers—hit us up if you wanna hang out and help out!

Email us at info@vidlingsandtapeheads.com
Or message via facebook

Sponsorship inquiries please contact sponsorvtff@gmail.com

Art Exhibit inquiries please contact alanalorincarlson@gmail.com

Monos 2019